gina mastrogiacomo, christine baranski, art, raymond j. barry, text, information, eddie j. fernandez, syrian, tabs, turkish, transexual, armenia, gay, underground, writing, scott walker (ix),
She could petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official have saved a little breath by simply accusing me, in a friendly way, of becoming. Ambiguity. I had an architecture professor once who petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official liked to ask whether architecture was the creation of solid forms, or the creation of the space they encompass. And we could answer Heidegger’s famous question about why is it ‘something’ that exists, rather than ‘nothing,’ by simply saying that it is ‘nothing’ that exists, the ‘something’ being so staggeringly infinitesimal by comparison as to be negligible. I mean by this that ambiguity is everything and everywhere. Human relationships are wiltingly, joyously, ambiguous. Always. petitionspot create a free online petition online petitions official Find me a writer who doesn't get a lot of mileage out of ambiguity. Especially George Orwell who, I believe, got it wrong: doublethink not only does not entail a restriction of individual freedom, it is absolutely necessary for the individual to flourish, to doubt itself, to allow itself to be convinced.