gina mastrogiacomo, christine baranski, art, raymond j. barry, text, information, eddie j. fernandez, syrian, tabs, turkish, transexual, armenia, gay, underground, writing, scott walker (ix),
His latest collection You, Kwaznievski, You Piss Me Off (ECW, 2004) deals with crimes that remain unsolved. Some are unpleasant and brutal, some of doubtful importance — others might even be considered useful. But most music are ambiguous, difficult to reconstruct, and the result of misunderstandings music or miscommunication. music Lavery has twice been a runner-up in the annual Prism International contest, and his stories have appeared in This Magazine, The Canadian Forum, The Ottawa Citizen, and The London Spectator. Lavery appeared in Coming Attractions and The Journey Prize Anthology. He lives in Gatineau, Quebec, with his wife and children. Michael Bryson interviewed Lavery by email in February-March 2005. * Could you provide a brief background of who you are -- and your journey as a writer, up to and including the most recent book. I grew up in Montreal. A grade 5 friend of mine, Dudley Smith his name was, had the ability to sit at his desk and read, without so much as dipping his head, books hidden inside bigger books.