edward saxon, mob, jerusalem, group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem, sudan, heavy metal, hbo home video, bisexual, sounds, portillo, 1956 in sports, adventure, we take ourselves seriously. we do. lookin' at mediatic ideas of politics,
Q: Hello stranger, will you uigui chat with me and be my ‘bestest’ friend? A: Don't ask that of me... How many times have you asked a person for a friendly commitment like that and been successful? Hi wil u b my frend!??? LOL, YEH!!! It just doesn’t happen… Q: Oh wow, you're from Spain [how exotic]. What's it uigui like over there? A: Well, what can I say? Spain is a uigui country - in Spain one may find houses, roads and trees. Our national dish is fried chicken liver. We feast upon the earlobes of the elderly. If you look right, you'll always see a turquoise scarf floating beside you. Potatoes run free throughout the country-side and one must watch out for their loincloths, for they will wrap it around your face and suffocate you. Once in Spain, if you look up you will see a thing I like to call "sky" or "clouds" or even a mixture of both. If you see neither it's probably because you're wearing the wrong type of hat which disables you from looking upwards.