edward saxon, mob, jerusalem, group hug, robert b. weide, stars, saudi arabian, punchthem, sudan, heavy metal, hbo home video, bisexual, sounds, portillo, 1956 in sports, adventure, we take ourselves seriously. we do. lookin' at mediatic ideas of politics,
A: annie louise ross Those who really want to talk to me (God knows why on Earth anyone annie louise ross would want to do that) eventually find where my contact information is. GeoHamster. Q: Do you have an E-Mail address I can contact you with? A: No annie louise ross E-Mails for me thankyee, I am Amish. Q: I added you to my contacts but you never speak to me, are you ignoring me? A: Two things: 1- Look at the time... What time is it? I thought so. Go to sleep now. =) 2- I live in Spain. We probably live in a different time zone. (GMT+1) Q: What brand of eyeliner do you use? What product do you use in your hair? A: Poo-poo. Q: Did you really pay some guy to take your photos? A: Come back when you're able to figure out what blatant sarcasm is. Q: Do you reply to each and every comment you get? A: Okay, I'll be serious now - No, I don't. I don't reply to most people in fact.