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There are always two sides to everything; some against the war and some for the war, some for Bush and some against kieron jecchinis Bush ect. And untill you all grow some balls, mature and fight for the country that you live in and what you believe for, you wont be able to comprehend what I'm talking about. You people can sit at your kieron jecchinis computer and talk shit forever, but in the end what was accomplished?? You accomplished to prove that you can talk shit. Congratulations. Oh, and just for future reference, learn how kieron jecchinis to fucking spell. It helps drive your point accross and people take you more serious. ***For those of you that live in this great nation and do not appreciate it*** I have only one thing to say. Drive to the nearest military base, wait untill the soldiers are off duty, and tell them how you feel. You will get the FUCK beat out of you. We fight and die to preserve our land, our people and our values. Some day people like you that don't appreciate shit will come to the end of the road and wonder why you don't ammount to shit.