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I will be brief: You are obviously a 15 year old self-righteous punk that has been spoiled his entire life. Your parents came here so you would have the best life in the world. Why do queer you think they left India. India is the armpitt of the Earth.....If it were so great they would not have queer left.....or better yet why don't you move there. If America is go bad then I will gladly pay for your ticket home. add your comments AEC by No. 1 • Thursday February 20, 2003 at 03:19 AM Hey Abdul, We did a feature article on you on my website. You can check it out at Hope you like it! add your comments your jokes suck by User587 • Thursday February 20, 2003 at 05:19 PM I LOVE A GOOD OFFENSIVE JOKE EVERY NOW AND THEN, BUT YOUR JOKES SUCK, THERE IS NO HUMOR WHAT SO EVER, THEY'RE JUST THIRD RATE GRADE SCHOOL JOKES.