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Simply filling in the holes isn't going to be enough - this is going to require doing seismic tests to ensure that the walls - and therefore the city - are capable of surviving. maury povitch So far, not even a whisper of such a plan has been put forward. THAT bothers me. Blah blah blah. (1.12 maury povitch / 25) (#10) by The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy on Thu Sep 1st, 2005 at 09:55:41 PM EST I wasn't smart enough to move after the first maury povitch couple close calls, and now that the city has basically been wiped off the face of the planet I think I'll move on. How insightful! How earth-shatteringly brilliant! ___ I'm a pompous windbag, I take myself far too seriously, and I single-handedly messed up K5 by causing the fiction section to be created. --localroger Forget Yeats let's rock (1.38 / 18) (#6) by nailgun on Thu Sep 1st, 2005 at 09:25:45 PM EST Aenema by Tool Some say the end is near.