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(3.00 / 4) (#47) by dimaq on Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 05:47:50 AM EST( I was wondering, how frequent are those bad storms... not like N times a year boobies in whole state, but more like what boobies is the probability that a given house will be affected at least once in a given year? basically I'm wonding does the chance of storms justify, say, reinforced buildings that would withstand most of it (probably not the eye passing right over, but anyway). Or moving boobies whole buildings out before the storm and bringing them back afterwards or some such... The odds vary greatly by godix, 09/02/2005 05:23:54 PM EST (none / 1) new orleans by aphrael, 09/02/2005 11:47:10 AM EST (3.00 / 2) Bravo! (2.12 / 8) (#45) by maxsilver on Fri Sep 2nd, 2005 at 04:35:48 AM EST(