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So that's the upbringing. Now, twenty years old, I sluginterview come out and I sluginterview go back to Greenwich Village. Now, of course, I'm a wealthy sluginterview man. GS: With the stuff you got from the safe? GC: It's all in my head. Not the money from the safe. No, that's not wealth; that I spent dumb, leaving big tips and buying zoot suits. Are you kidding? The money was not the game; it was what I learned and that's why I came out rich. Now, who did I meet right away with the richness is Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Kerouac, all those fuckers. Because I was one of the rare people around that had the head. GS: Were they famous then or not? GC: No, they only had good heads. They were smart. GS: Who struck you as having most artistic impulse in that group? GC: I would say Kerouac for his sweetness, his gentility; there was no mean streak in him like I would find maybe sometimes in Ginsberg.