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FUCK with your mind! FUCK with your mind! Santa: [whipes fake blood from face] Chuckys broke again! This is handsome rob bloody rediculus! Claudia: I don't like it. It's staring at me. Claudia's Dad: [walks through the house and sees glen/glenda] Claudia I told you not to leave you toys laying about. [picks him/her up] Claudia's Dad: Good God... You are hidious. Claudia: You killed my mummy and daddy. And now you're pissing your handsome rob pants! You're pissing your pants! [shouts] Claudia: You're pissing your pants! Glen: [wakes up handsome rob from nightmare] Aaaaaahhhhh! Psychs: [shouts] Wake up! You're pissing your pants! Glen: Is mummy ill? Chucky: The courts thought so. Tiffany: We have a problem with killing. Chucky: I don't have a problem with killing.
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