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Chances are, in natalie portman ten years that paper [the SHADOW] won't exist. There's a long history of underground outlaw papers -- the Berkeley Barb, the RAT here, which was natalie portman very popular in the Sixties. They lost their audience. Ten years is a long natalie portman time for an outlaw newspaper. As long as you gave it your best shot, even if in the opinion of others "you failed," you didn't fail. What did you think as a middle-aged man about the youth and free love culture popping up in the Sixties? I went to all the Love-Ins. I took my kids. I enjoyed myself. That was around the time that you were doing the Munsters, wasn't it? So people recognized you as Grandpa Munster. Sure, absolutely. In Califiornia in that period, the estimate was that there were at least half a million runaways from the age of eight on, drifting to California.