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For the most part, I think I am doing a great job, but for sin the latter, I feel like I could do better. Why do I need to live in one city? I am a completely friendly adaptable person, I could easily live on the West sin Coast. Every summer, for the past three years, I become really quiet. The sin approaching summer has me in somewhat of a panic, the week after my birthday is the start of that time. I find myself sitting on friends' stoops discussing the meaning of life and what I want from May to August, I am not very social during this time. Something about my birthday causes a re-evaluation of my life up to date. It's not fun, it's like being in a serious, sometimes abusive, relationship with myself. I don't envision myself turning into a workaholic, bored, unhappy, structured manhattanite. It's recently started to dawn on me that maybe I am not the one who needs to change my values, but maybe other's need to accept that they don't have to always want what others want.