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By the way, I know a guy whose name is James Robert but we just call him JR because we are too lazy to say his whole name. aftermath entertainment 36 aftermath entertainment · Posted by Gu on April 4, 2003 07:13 AM Well, I did go to school with a Karefree Cheena. Then in high school I met a brother-sister team called Free Spirit and Star of Peace. Talk about hippie parents......Still not sure about calling someone aftermath entertainment by the name of a country, though. 37 · Posted by lenore on April 4, 2003 08:01 AM Morality play, eh? I've been thinking of changing my name to "Lugubrious" for some time... 38 · Posted by Luke on April 4, 2003 10:36 AM Nice to meetcha, Lugubrious, just call me "Inebriated". 39 · Posted by Monkey on April 4, 2003 01:35 PM "Coming right after TC here, I probably shouldn't mention it, but who names their kids LETTERS?" It's not the parents, it's the kids. For example, someone whose name was, oh, say, "Tavio Cheslav" might be happier referring to himself as "TC".