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House or Senate wearing one of my tasteful guinevere ITMFA lapel pins on C-SPAN or a Sunday-morning political show. Guess what? Some folks felt my advice for The Good Son, the man whose mother fucked him when he was 15 guinevere years old, was, like, complete and utter crap. Lots of responses Has the avalanche of mail started? Well, throw another snowball on the pile. You have GOT to be kidding me with your guinevere response to The Good Son. Anyone who fucks his mother when he is 15 years old is lucky not to have put a bullet through his brain by the time he's reached 30. Have too many parakeet-jerk-off letters left you so jaded that you can't see the gold standard of fucked-up-edness? He doesn't think this is part of his problem, eh?