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add your comments You were never a astrology vet,why lie? by luzzer101 • Saturday March 11, 2006 at 09:22 PM luzzer101@yahoo.com casket06.jpg, JPG image, 292x433 You were never a war vet and you know it.Save your stories and lies for your grand children,that's astrology if you'll ever have astrology eny.From the sounds of it your probably another closet freak who can only hide behind fantasy and lies.Every war vet I ever met in my life,even the one's that came to my school when I was young to speak to the students about the war and it's history and stuff,they never glorified war,they all said they hated it,they all said there was to much senceless killing on both sides.I think you really need to make up your mind about who you want to pretend to be,and try to be something you at least know about,like scratching crayons. add your comments HALL HATERS by CATHY • Sunday March 12, 2006 at 06:28 PM YOU GUYS AN GALS HAVE ALOT OF BLIND HATE....WHEN