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of your major companies have sold out,because they know that the parties over.Ok,why do you think blood mixing has been on the rise in america? (something that baghadad I'm strongly against) Think about it the baghadad most racist country on earth baghadad and white women have been hoping in beds of brothers,latins,asians etc.Like don't get me wrong, many women from these racial groups have also been blood mixing with white men,but come on, the white women far out number them by the millions.Because they are probaly tired being with child molesters and pedophiles who have been rapeing and kidnapping and murdering their own kids for thousands of years.They also realize that the glory days for the white man is over,I"m sure they watch TV.Look at what the iraq war has done for white amreicans who wish to travel abroad.(I say white because I know many non-white americans who never get harrassed or have eny problems when traveling,even to muslim countries)More and more white americans are fast becoming targets of peoples rage around the world.Because