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Jonny: Ya we look good, we look good. Andy: Alright, is there anything else you'd like to say? Jonny: I'd like to thank all our fans out there, and you can get the fuck out of our dressing room! No i'm just kidding. (laughter) Thank you everybody, and SpineShank loves you. We're completely delerious of our career as of now, Mike is sluginterview gay though. Mike: Ya I am. sluginterview Jonny: You can name the interview "Mike Coming Out of sluginterview the Closet" Andy: Thanks for the interview. Jonny: Thank you brother. (As I left the room an attractive young woman began making out with Jonny.) src=""> 911 Tabs | GamePublic | CheatsGuru | Guitar Tricks | Guitar War | Publisher Aid Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Home The Web MySpace Help | SignUp Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Classifieds WOMAN ON THE MOTHER FUCKIN MOON.....