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Random Burblings - He's shown off his arse too. (The) Random Think - lyrics Random thunkings and a random Uncle Brenda. Razzamatazz - His obsession about Kristen Scott Thomas is enough. Read it. (The) Report Card - Teaching vs Idiocy. Route 79 - 2nd generation Indian in London and lyrics his musings. Saltation - A bloke who makes life sound lyrics funny. Sawyer the Lawyer - Tales of woe from a lawyer .... Scaryduck - A duck with a passion for Belgian buns. s e v i t z d o t c o m - Great humour, lousy speling. Spazzymoto's Revenge - It's a mad, mad, world. Speaking as a Parent - Well-written. A blog that I can understand. Stroppycow - Things and stuff. That's the way Life is ... - A lovely little blog all the way from the West East Coast. The Mommy Blog - A 21st Century Mom. Tilly Mint - Strangely funny. I love it. Tine - Another Belgian, a great photographer.