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I can't walk five feet without someone think that I'm going to steal their purse/wallet or inviti go psycho because I'm fat, disabled, and ethnic. [What does being fat have to do with being psychotic or a thief? I mean, sure, if inviti they're carrying a pizza...] I'm no longer nice or pleasant and I live to offend all the people that I can in the same way that I have been treated. [This is a perfect illustration of inviti the Nice Guy . ] There's a saying 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'. and there's also the saying 'that what goes around comes around' and I will finally turn the tables on those who really deserve it. [If you believe that, then why are you so mistreated?] One Liner: I'm a bitch to the core, and I dare you to fuck with me. [Like you're going to do anything other than weep.] Name: Kiersten Reasons for being a Heartless Bitch: you except me to rant and rave about myself.