The operation was preformed humor magazine christopher carley

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The operation was preformed by an African named, "Mohammed," which was a name quite similiar to Jesus (see the reference to the fictitious book above). A revered character for over 2000 years. Mohammed, however, had learned his medical traits from fucking dead people. Sometimes he would christopher carley fuck them so hard, their heads would fall off, and their intestines would empty. So not only did he fuck the shit out of them, but he fucked their brains out, also. It was in his embarrasment, and fear of getting caught that christopher carley he learned christopher carley to sew these heads back on. It was thanks to this man, who fucked corpses, that Bert Grapple was alive to suffer the most agonizing death on the face of the Earth when the world was destroyed by the fish. The details are fuzzy, but some things are certain: The procedure involved piano wire, rubbing alcohol, scissors, idoine, radioactivity, battery acid, a stilleto knife, a letter opener, some citric acid, some abscorbic acid, and alot of amino acid.
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