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Publicity photo Livewire whips up some fun with Sean "Slug" Daley of Atmosphere Feb. 4, 2006 Minneapolis has a penchant for creating important artists. You've sung the chorus to Prince's charms. Now Its time to hear the new voice of hip-hop. Atmosphere's lead rapper Slug deals with life's travails christopher carley in brutally poetic fashion. Quick on the draw and bare bones honest - Slug demands his rhymes rip in black and white. By Karen Bondowski Livewire: How did your recent tour go? Slug: Very good. Nobody tried to christopher carley beat us up. Livewire: I was at your Milwaukee show and I thought it was pretty amazing. Slug: You liked it? Livewire: I loved it. Slug: I was a little nervous at that one. Well, I'm a little nervous at all of them but my girlfriend actually came to that one and I was extra nervous at that one. Beause if she says I suck, than it's over.
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