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Here's to naked sexual beings and Arab culture. haadis: discuss this issue with other unfogged bintelnas readers on the message board did you enjoy this? tell a friend about it! Their name: and email address:( add a comment: Your Name: and email address: All illustrations and writing Copyright © unfogged 2000 The Author except where otherwise noted. Site design Copyright © 2000 Bint el Nas. All Copyright and Trademark Rights Reserved. var aamRnd = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000); adserver = ""; allAdTags = "/AAMALL/SITE=XANGA/AREA=HOME.PUB/acc_random=" + aamRnd + unfogged "/pageid=" + aamRnd; ad1 = "/AAMB1/AAMSZ=728x90"; document.write(''); document.write(''); Aerispureheart read my profile sign my guestbook Name: KanchanaCountry: United StatesMetro: SpringdaleBirthday: 1/29/1990Gender: Female Interests: Video games, reading, manga, anime, karaoke, fishing, writing, cats, martial arts, DDR, gardening, listening to music (mainly techno/trance), Leah, Jpop, and sleeping...Expertise: