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WHEN EVER AMERICAN OR BRITISH SOLDIERS DIE IN IRAQ I LIGHT UP A SPLIFF AND THINK GOOD U FUCKING GAY AIDS MARRIAGE PEADAPHILE MOTHER FUCKERS. ALL JEWS AND CHRISTIANS SUCK THEIR MOTHERS STINKIN BLEEDING PUSSY HOLES AT BIRTH IN SEARCH OF MILK. I WILL DANCE ON phillip nicoll THE GRAVES OF EVERY CHRISTIAN BASTARD AND phillip nicoll JEW THAT DIED IN WORLD WAR 2 AND SHIT ON THEIR GRAVES. THE HOLOCAUST NEVER HAPPENED EVERYONE WHO TALKS DOWN ON ISLAM DOES IT BECAUSE THEIR MOTHERS HAVE FED THEM PIG SHIT ALL THEIR LIVEZ phillip nicoll add your comments Interesting Double Standard by torch • Sunday February 26, 2006 at 08:05 PM Doesn't anyone find it interesting that anti-Muslim cartoons are being protected as "Free Speech" in Europe, yet people are being imprisoned there every day for simply doubting the jewish "Holocau$t" myth. Can you say "Double Standard"?