The 1982 "Friday" version sex change woman fashion

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The 1982 "Friday" version looks a lot like the Internet of today; Heinlein's fashion characters fashion sit at "terminals" and "punch" requests for information -- they can get everything from the history of the city of Memphis, Tenn., to musical recordings, to astronomical data. One character removes a "portable fashion terminal" from her purse and punches for her family financial records, which she can examine in depth while sitting out in the garden. Change some of the buzzwords there and you have an accurate portrayal of the Internet in 2004. Heinlein's Internet ca. 1938 AD was way cool for fans of retro futures: users called operators on videophones (I forgot what Heinlein called the videophones) and the operators sent documents on their way via pneumatic tube; the tubes could reach from one coast to another.
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