Boy: What? Girl: The lyle theexorcist

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Boy: What? Girl: The third rail. Boy: Teah. Girl: That should be like a movie title or something. theexorcist Boy: Third Rail...I should put that in my notebook. --Trinity School, W. 91st Street Overheard by: Alexis theexorcist Link To or Email this Post May 18, 2005 It's Not You, It's Me (& Wednesday One-liners) Woman: ...and he wanted to break up with me so badly, he was like, "Here, I'll buy you an apartment!" --Central Park sailboat pond Overheard by: theexorcist Sarahvb Teen chick: I wouldn't want to get married because it takes so long to get a divorce! --Rockefeller Park Russian lady: mother was lucky. Not many women divorce lawyers. --6 train Lady: Come on, since my fucking boyfriend is a fucking crack head, we are fucking gonna pick up some guys tonight. --Union Square Overheard by: Julia Wright Girl: I'm getting kind of tired of him. He used to be the kind of guy you could go out with and never have to talk.
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