Dyslexic Black people. For rock disco

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Dyslexic Black people. For instance, the other day a Black guy stopped me in disco his car as I was walking and asked me, "How do I get to the FRD?". --Tisch hospital, 33rd Street Link To or Email this Post Overheard Goes disco to the Midnight Premiere Stormtrooper: Man, I can't even move in this thing. Star Wars geek #1: They said disco no dueling. Star Wars girlfriend: No lightsaber duels? Star Wars geek #2: No, the're no lightsaber dueling in the theater. Star Wars geek #1: But they're dueling. Star Wars girlfriend: Yeah, but he's Yoda. Lady: Look, I've been saving this seat since Attack of the Clones. Dude: Cool lightsaber. Dork: Thanks. Dude: Where'd you get it? Geek.com? Dork: No. Borders. --Ziegfeld theater, 54th Street Nerd: At this point, my expectations are so low, as long as Darth Vader's in it and a lot of people get killed, I'll be happy.
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