still rated PG here! phil bonyata female comics

media, directors, band buddy icons, bi, sweet, female comedianne, list of themes, gabe jeffrey, television, oc 192, stand up, queer, terrylene, culture, community, female comics, edward saxon, open mike, confession, dirnt, walt disney video, oman, congratufuckinglations, miss s. a few words of advice from the old and married. ensure marriage has equal phil bonyata parts of the three 'c's, communication, cuddles and chocolate. Love youse. bjb 28 · Posted by billyjoebob on phil bonyata March 20, 2005 08:50 AM Married by Elvis - it doesn't get much cooler than that. I think I should buy the movie rights to your life Miss Shauna! :) 29 · Posted by Kimba on March 21, 2005 01:30 AM phil bonyata congratulations congratulations 30 · Posted by joe on March 21, 2005 06:21 AM Absolutely fan-flippin'-tastic! And that's only part one of the three-ring circus? 31 · Posted by Demos on March 21, 2005 08:25 AM I wish you'd stop. I'm getting sick of cleaning out my keyboard after I've sprayed mouthfuls of lunch over it (those bits of sweetcorn get EVERYWHERE!). Sounds like an ace day, and I hope your marriage continues in this vein!
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still rated PG here! totally unrelated - the mothership called today all miffed about the PURPLES! entry, she says she's not going to buy me undies ever again, hehehe. 24 · Posted by shauny on March 19, 2005 05:37 PM bwahaha! female comics That is the best wedding story ever! I female comics laughed out loud. Hopefully you will get to see the Mothership's reaction in person. :) 25 · Posted by frecklegirl on March 19, 2005 07:04 PM you are so cool. Congratulations! When is the book coming out? And the movie? 26 female comics · Posted by soph on March 19, 2005 07:26 PM That was the funniest read yet (is that possible.. they are all so funny). My friend got married there but had the "fat" Elvis. When I saw the video I just laughed the whole way through - well done on keeping a straight face. Your writing is pure gold! 27 · Posted by Lynda on March 20, 2005 06:28 AM if our relationship means anything ANYTHING, surely it's worth a divx copy of that dvd.
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