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media, directors, band buddy icons, bi, sweet, female comedianne, list of themes, gabe jeffrey, television, oc 192, stand up, queer, terrylene, culture, community, female comics, edward saxon, open mike, confession, dirnt, walt disney video, oman, Jon Bon Jovi, Jay Leno, Billy Ray Cyrus, Chucky & Bride of Chucky, and some guy that and entertainment. beats used to be on The Young and and entertainment. beats the Restless. I gazed up at them as and entertainment. beats the receptionist handed me an bouquet of white flowers. "You're here for the eleven thirty?" "We're the eleven." "Oh right! Groom's name... Garth? Garett?" "Gareth!" "Oh, that's unusual! Okey dokey then! You guys ready to get married?" The photographer took us into the chapel and arranged us into a dozen different poses in three minutes. Bride stand here, groom stand there. His arm here, her feet there. Hand up, chin down. Kiss here, grope there. "Now, will you be exchanging rings?" Gareth and I grimaced, "Umm, sorta."
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