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Have your fucking dorian harewood bowl of Clam Chowder in the fucking bread bowl." This is usually said while everyone is wearing their designer jackets, hoping that their hip friends from the Mission won't spot them in the uncool part of town.) PROS: In twenty to thirty years, when you're fifty and you have three kids, you can be at that dorian harewood swank party in the Hamptons and be all, "Well, I lived in San Francisco when I was young!" And your friends will be all, "San Francisco? How rebellious and uncouth!" And you will laugh over tea dorian harewood and crumpets and we will all hate you. But at least you have tea and crumpets. (Fuckin' crumpets. Those are tasty.) CONS: Help! I'm drowning in a sea of pretentiousness! OAKLAND: Population 399,484. As this very moment, I can only think of two famous people from Oakland: MC Hammer and Bubb Rubb.
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