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Long live hypocrisy: look but don't touch. Goddamn, online art how I wanted to touch. Being raised in a very Arab-identified family has taught online art me two things: words verbalized are not necessarily advocated, and one should always read between the lines. The lines continue to strain my eyes. Honesty is not the best policy, says my mother, whoever told you that bullshit? Well, I'm in the eighth year of my "homosexual phase" and to be quite honest, a daily dose of my girlfriend is an essential part of my diet. I online art asked my cousin what she thought of my girlfriend's photograph. "Your friend seems wonderful," she replies. I reiterate that she is my girlfriend, my lover, mí amour. I can hear her smile over the telephone, "Yes habibti [sweetheart], I know." Not only am I tired of reading between the lines, but I refuse to help create them.