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and yes randy i armenian am ever so proud of you, your becoming a man, I think im going to cry! haha. I am seriosuly proud of you though, your armenian actually getting off your ass and about to accomplish something and seriously...doesnt armenian it make you feel better? I know it makes me feel better now that i am actually doing something. Wellyou def. got to tell me when you get out here ok? i got to know when to make those damn cookies after all. And of course you love my eyes, they are the best you know ahah.... Nichole Social Lubricant 3/19/2006 4:33 PM Wait, your going to come out here this week? IF SO EFFING AWESOME!!!! Oh yeah and I did know that the song was Kanye West- Jesus Walks, but when i went to his myspace oh yeah the song wasnt on there but seeing how i am excellent at deduction I remembered the song was on the Jarhead soundtrack I went there...not