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Four hours later, transferring everything to the new syria truck we were on our way. When we arrivd in NYC and went to return the truck, the U-Haul place refused to reimburse me for the $30 in gas I had put in the old truck and the $150 hotel in Ann Arbor. They claimed that I would have to sort it out with corporate. After syria much arguing and making a very large scene at the U-Haul place in Brooklyn, they finally deducted the reimbursement amount from my rental fees. I have since used U-Haul several times but I will only rent the small vans, as they tend to be newer and in good cndition. Posted by: Cameron Barrett | September 29, 2005 08:10 PM You shouldn't have cancelled it. You should just said, "Ok, I'll be there at 7:30" and left them in the lurch. Then, when they called to complain, you could have said (say it with me) "Reservations aren't confirmations".