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Yes, it would have been large enough to fit my bloodied corpse after some Year 10 kid kicked the crap ultramagnetic out me. The only way I got rid of The Port was to publicly shame The Mothership in front of her friends. I outlined the trauma that The Port had caused ultramagnetic over the years, and argued that it would make me a social outcast at my new school. I would have no friends, be forced to drop out in Year 9 and get knocked up by some pimply git in the back of ultramagnetic a Holden Gemini. Her friends were astounded that Mum had forced me to have such a rubbish bag for all those years. The ambush worked - she finally agreed it was time for a new one. So what did you get next? A shitty polyester sports bag that she'd won in a competition at Woolworths. March 24, 2004 10:35 PM Posted in Traumatic Childhood Experiences Comments Yes, it would have been large enough to fit my bloodied corpse after some Year 10 kid kicked the crap out me.