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Posted by: Olivia | May 20, 2005 03:03 PM Brit , Brit , brokkie , lindz and jo. who ever made this website is fucked up.... got a lil jellous or somthen... wow. just bc they have more talant than some one who can make a website.. gheese... I love the huckapoos..... Brett Posted by: Brett | August 7, 2005 09:43 AM i found out about huckapoo 2 weeks ago. i must say i am not impressed. mature asian galleries it is not them its that mature asian galleries former dreamstreet manager of theirs. their just makin money man and money is tight. mature asian galleries excuse me... huckatight. although they are young and being exploited they will have fans from 8-16 to old fat guy in a dark room with his pants down. it is sad but if i were in the same situation and people were talking this much about me good or bad, id say im pretty famous. im huckaout ;) Posted by: huckatight | August 14, 2005 07:02 PM I agree with you the way you view the issue.