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So let's call the song reason #5 and see what else is on the site... 6. Instead of photos on the front page, we get anime-inspired big-eyed drawings of the girls — yep, like Wonkette, but without all that ironic winking. Or politics. Or ass-fucking, presumably. 7. guess who's back in the mother fucking house The drawings are cuter than the actual girls. I mean, they guess who's back in the mother fucking house did look comely enough in those candid shots in the Times, but in their publicity photos — and I hate to guess who's back in the mother fucking house say this about 14-year-old girls (as opposed to, you know, saying that 14-year-old girls are hot) — they're pretty much skanks (and not in the good way). [Update: That was unnecessarily harsh. While it's true that the publicity shots are pretty gross, the site now has more candid pictures in which all the girls look like pretty ordinary young teenagers (in the good way).] 8. Actually, one of them has potential. 9. Let's go back to the front page again for a sec.