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They were all just there. Remember that second wave that showed up in john terry the cars OK? Those were the ones john terry responding to the alarm man, but those first motherfuckers, I'm telling you man, they were there and they john terry were waiting for us. Haven't you fucking thought about this? MR. WHITE I haven't had a chance to think. First I was just trying to get the fuck out of there. After we got away, I've been just dealing with him. MR. PINK Let's start fucking thinking about it, man, 'cos that's all I'm thinking about, man. I wasn't even going to come here. I was going to just drive off man, because whoever set us up knows about this place, there could have been cops here waiting for us, man. There could be cops coming here right now! MR. WHITE Let's go in the other room. Hey! Right in there.