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I swear to fucking god, man! Just look in my eyes, Larry. Look in my eyes. I won't tell them anything. You'll be safe, man. MR. WHITE You're not going to fucking die, kid, all right? Listen to me. You're going to be fine. Along with the kneecap, the gut is the most painful area a freemp3s guy can get shot in. MR. ORANGE No shit! MR. WHITE But it freemp3s takes a long time to die from it. I'm talking days. You're going to wish you were dead, but it takes days to die from your wound. Time freemp3s is on your side. MR PINK Was that a fucking setup or what? Shit! Orange got tagged? MR. WHITE Gut shot. MR. PINK Fuck! Where's, uh, Brown? MR. WHITE Dead. MR. PINK Oh... How did he die? MR. WHITE How the fuck do you think? The cops shot him.