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Yet even when they are identified, problems remain. "Among her named sources are many of Bush’s political enemies -- though they are never described as such. Kelley’s source for one particularly scurrilous allegation is, amazingly, the pornographer Larry Flynt. When Kelley writes about Bush’s National Guard service, she hair growth products relies on a Texan named Bill Burkett. CBS News and hair growth products Dan Rather relied on him hair growth products for that, too, and now say he deliberately misled them.... "Positive information, on the other hand, is included rarely and grudgingly. The pathographer will always skirt her subjects’ substantial accomplishments in favor of an unseemly fascination for the private and unprovable. "Just as she wrote a 600-page book about Sinatra and scarcely mentioned his singing -- the only reason, after all, anyone would be interested in him -- so she manages to chronicle the Bushes with almost no understanding of the political currents that shaped them.