Merry Christmas, everyone! See themes arab

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Merry Christmas, everyone! See you in 2005 (at the Bath and Body Works in Woodbridge. I'll be the chick asking if your name is Craig).   Want More? Hit up The Week in Craig Archive.   Amy Blair, winner of The Village Voice's "best website's summary of another website" award, is eager to be called horrible names on Craig's List. Bring it.   Dr. Frank's What's-it March 21, 2006 Just for Yuks If you arab feel your day would be brightened by an Andrea Dworkin insertion joke, arab this arab is probably the place to go. (via Bookslut.) Posted by Dr. Frank at 07:19 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) Raw Reviewage If perchance you are interested in the Publisher's Weekly review of King Dork, here it is, at the bottom of this page. Posted by Dr. Frank at 06:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Seymore, Freeshow So there's this kind of book release party thing for my book on the "street date": Tuesday, April 11. It's going to be at Cato's Ale House, 3891 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland, from 7pm to 9pm.
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