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ViktoriaLina Svantesson .... MalinJohanna Larsson .... SaraElinor Johansson .... JennyJessica Melkersson .... Sabina  (more) Also Known As:Show Me Love (Canada: English title) (UK) (USA) (cable TV title) armenia Fucking Åmål (Denmark) Runtime: 89 min armenia Country: Sweden / Denmark Language: Swedish Color: Color Sound Mix: Dolby SR Certification: Canada:AA (Ontario) / Canada:PA (Manitoba) / Iceland:12 / Canada:14 (Nova Scotia) / Canada:13+ (Quebec) / Canada:14A (Alberta/British Columbia) / Argentina:16 / Australia:MA / Denmark:11 / Finland:K-12 / France:U / Germany:12 / Hong Kong:IIB / Norway:11 / Singapore:R(A) / Spain:13 / Sweden:11 / Switzerland:14 (canton of Geneva) / Switzerland:14 (canton of Vaud) armenia / UK:15 / USA:Unrated Trivia: The original script ends with Agnes and Elin walking away holding hands.
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