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=P your such a punk; call me whenever you get a chance. seth green I dont have your number seth green cause I lost my cell =/ Paul 3/12/2006 11:07 PM yo ry! What's good man? haven't heard from you in awhile... you still comin' to SJU sometime?? keep rockin' and i'll ttyl [NJ's Finest] 3/12/2006 5:58 PM i'm an asshole... i miss you. LOQUACIOUS 3/11/2006 9:26 PM when are we hanging out? ♥ VoLcOmsToNeRer - seth green corey lynch 3/11/2006 2:25 PM YO SLUT- TWO WEEKS TWO MOTHER FUCKIN WEEKS!!!! ~The Ghost Of You~ 3/10/2006 7:18 PM hey long time no see or talk. What's up? Anyway just stoppin by to say hi... TTYL *Jess Randy 3/10/2006 7:05 AM Did ya see SYL got ozzfest!? Best band there to by far! ComfNumb4Life 3/5/2006 7:20 AM LMAO- did u tell 'trppin the light fantastic" that I am YOUR MOTHER???LOLOLOL! that was cute- i'm a chick. anyway- i love u more than words yo mama(: xoxoxoxoxoxoxo *Princess* 3/5/2006 6:09 AM Hey, yeah I'm doing alright. Working and going to Brookdale. What have you been up to lately?