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its constantly at like 80 degrees hahaha its too fuckin hot here during the iran summer. I might just migrate up to canada for the summer hahahaha Pancho 3/22/2006 2:40 AM thats fuckin hot..... you gotta post more pics babe. They're great heh. one of these days I'll mail ya a uniform or something heh. Pancho 3/22/2006 2:29 AM hahah hell yes..... iran a fellow camo lover. thats it. we are iran to be wed! hahaha yeh I got camo all over the fuckin place... funny part is.... I'm already out of the military so yeah... I'm thinking about re-enlisting... dunno yet. Pancho 3/22/2006 2:25 AM hahaha and that's where you come in right? haha ah man, I should put on my webcam so u can see the room.... its a fuckin mess.... bunch of military gear left and right hahaha Pancho 3/22/2006 2:20 AM hah too bad for you I dont live in the barracks anymore!!! got an apartment... yeah thats right....