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Do l have to leave? Is this any way to treat an intimate friend? (Rock and roll music continues) (Murmuring in appreciation) I asked you never to speak to me again. Will you go away? (Bluto imitates horse) (Screams) I do hope we're not interrupting anything. OTTER: lf you must know-- -Eric was just leaving. -I wasn't. I could make you leave, if you.... OTTER: Bluto! I think you know everybody here. name Greg, can't you-- Don't name worry. name Just keep your hands and feet away from his mouth. Don't you have any respect for yourself? BABS: This is absolutely gross! That boy is a P-l-G, pig! See if you can guess... what l am now. (Babs yells) I'm a zit. Get it? All right, you bastard. Let's go, right here! (Rock and roll music) (All screaming) Why don't we go out tonight? Don't flatter yourself.