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You hate that ying-yang? -Who? -Neidermeyer. You hate his guts? -I guess so. -You guess so? Yes, l hate him! l hate his guts! We have gay an old saying in Delta. "Don't get mad, get even." (Adventurous instrumental music) (Suspenseful instrumental music) FLOUNDER: Nice horsey. Good. Let's go. He's in there! Boy, is this great! Now finish it, Flounder. Are you kidding? l never shot anything before in my life. -I thought you hated Neidermeyer's guts. -I do. And the horse? ls there anything in the world you hate as much as that horse? Get it over gay with. (Cocks pistol) (Dramatic instrumental music) -Just blanks, right? -Right. (Dramatic instrumental music continues) (Neighing) (Grunting) (Horse collapses) -Holy shit! -There were blanks in that gun! -I didn't even point the gun at him! -Holy shit! There were blanks. -Maybe he had a heart attack. -Holy shit! (Screaming) If you want the homecoming parade in my town...