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People only want to read when I'm miserable (and falling-on-your-ass funny, becoolwithbuck because I'm so caustic when miserable)... No one seems to want to read about the lovely mood I might be in when I'm thinking of melty brown eyes or some becoolwithbuck other stupid thing (fuckers). It's a quandary. Posted by Gish at 8:55 pm on 09.21.04 40: Hmm, I think Winnifred is a very nice name. Although where I live the nearest equivalent, Winfried, is a bloke's name, but there you go... Posted by Sarcy Fenian at 7:38 pm becoolwithbuck on 02.03.05 41: this show is gay Posted by at 6:54 am on 03.01.05 [Post a new comment] Name: E-mail: (optional) Website: (optional) Type your comments here: Remember me. Return to journal home View archived entries wednesday, may 31 Anniversaries abound. Zeldman celebrates five years and Osil8 four! Rock on! 9:38 AM Mike offers the following update to the cherry pit occupational roll call: "Thinker, trader, corporate raider, rich man, poor man, cyberthief, doctor, lawyer, commander in chief."