2. Understanding the Masthead tommylasorda denver art

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2. Understanding the Masthead denver art If you're gonna work—or freelance—in magazines, you better know who you're dealing with. This denver art can be a challenge since magazine job titles are as convoluted and complex as those you might encounter in the House of Lords. Clip and denver art save this skeleton key: · Editor-in-Chief: This person is in charge. And she's too busy to talk with you. In fact, she's probably in Milan right now. And she doesn't check her email. Her assistant prints out her email for her and she always leaves the printouts in the back of her Town Car. Also, she hasn't read the magazine in years. Leave the editor-in-chief alone. (But, when talking about your work with friends, always refer to her by first name: see "Bragging Rights," below.) · Managing Editor: This person is a frazzled maniac.
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