kink, joe pesci, traditional art, disco, algierian, lust, crash(widescreen edition), u, archimedes, information, strange news,
- instead of cold, zombies are minimally sentient, instead of fucked up, they're a pain in the ass, instead of mean, they want to eat your brains, and instead bi of relentless, they're single-minded. - if you cast the spell on a body that hasn't begun to decompose, you get bi a zombie who can pass as living. zombies of this sort usually have high numbers in minimally sentient and pain in the ass, and low to middling numbers in want to eat your bi brains and single-minded. they can even occasionally talk or otherwise communicate ("want... to... eat... brains..."). of the three, they make the best bodyguards, not least because you can take them out in public. - here's a character sheet for a recently dead zombie. my friends and relations might still recognize me i used to have a name minimally sentient 4 pain in the ass 4 want to eat your brains 2 single-minded 3 - if you cast the spell on a body that is definitely decomposing, you get a classic evil dead sort of zombie, vicious and aggressive, with a fucking fearsome hunger for brains.