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That's about as appropriate as a bare-ankled woman in the country of Saudi Arabia! Try this instead: "Not all Muslims burned down the Danish listof films embassy in Syria today." See how much better that is? Instead of listof films describing something that actually happened, you're telling the reader how she (or he) should think. And isn't that your job, really? So if you're about to write something that might offend somebody out there, just remember the "Not All" rule. Now go get 'em, cub reporters! Posted by Jim Treacher at 12:54 PM | This better be good (5) | Category: Drawing listof films conclusions Testing, testing According to brainy newspaper-type guys, it's wrong to show an offensive image, but it's okay to describe it. Which is good, because just now I was walking down the street and the wind was blowing pretty hard and this piece of paper flew up against my leg and there was a cartoon on the piece of paper and the cartoon looked like this: Continue reading "Testing, testing" Posted by Jim Treacher at 07:06 AM | This better be good (6) | Category: Drawing conclusions I realize these aren't startling new insights or anything Isn't it interesting that: 1) In the pictures you keep seeing of that London protest, most of the "Behead the infidels" signs have the same handwriting?