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(Where'd your editor go, dude? Ha ha, j/k.) wordssong lyrics three 6 mafia da first date hypnotize camp posse So, you mean like an informed opinion about whether wordssong lyrics three 6 mafia da first date hypnotize camp posse the cartoons are a suitable excuse for some rent-a-mobs to burn down embassies? wordssong lyrics three 6 mafia da first date hypnotize camp posse Or whether one of the cartoons was even a cartoon at all? Or maybe an informed opinion about seeing that same "cartoon" in a story about some kind of French hog-calling contest? No, you'll just tell us why this stuff is driving a bunch of idiots apeshit. You'll describe a fuzzy photocopy of, well, it looks like a guy with a beard, and is that a pig nose? "Beard! A man with a beard! Shit, they're right, that must be the prophet himself! And a pig nose! They're saying he's a pig, or perhaps just enjoys the delicious taste of bacon!