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You see, girls? Hard work CAN pay off! 18 · Posted by mb on August 3, 2002 05:25 PM The Adventures arabian of Captain Smiley remind me of Red Dwarf (as many things do). "When his roommate has had a touch too much claret and fallen asleep, arabian naked on his bunk, a friend would not take a photograph of his snoozing todger, draw a moustache and eyes on it, and post arabian it on the ship's bulletin board with the caption 'Have you seen this man, believed to be a French movie star?'" "As if your todger could pass as a French movie star! It's way too good looking!" 19 · Posted by mark on August 3, 2002 06:52 PM my god, I remember that book. The school library copy went missing; presumed dead and we all had to borrow it off someone else in class in a rota. And the guys in class used to try steal it off us. :g: He named it Ralph. bwhahaha. I'd completely forgotten that.
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